Xucker products at bargain prices and reduced seasonal items.
Sweet bargains in the Xucker Sale
Here you can find Xucker products at reduced prices, limited shelf life, unlimited enjoyment! The SALE range is updated regularly, so it's worth checking back often! Our diverse Xucker range enjoys great popularity. Nevertheless, there are sometimes one or two products in our shop whose best-before date is about to expire. Since we are committed to sustainability, we are strictly against throwing away food! That's why we regularly offer great Xuckereien at reduced prices in our sale, which will soon reach their best-before date. Bargain hunters with a sweet tooth can get their favourite products here at a reasonable price. According to the German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, the best-before date is "not a "throw-away" date! It should not be confused with the use-by date or expiry date, which states that food should be thrown away when it expires. Food with an expired best-before date, on the other hand, can often still be eaten without any problems. However, an expired best-before date indicates that the food should be checked more thoroughly before consumption or processing. If the packaging is intact, food smells normal and tastes as usual when tasted, it can be consumed beyond the best before date.
Save on sale and postage
Just like sugar and salt, erythritol (Xucker Light) and xylitol (Xucker Basic / Premium) can be used practically indefinitely. Both sweeteners can even help to make pastries, cakes or fruit spreads particularly long-lasting! So you can safely disregard the argument that sugar should be the sweetener of choice in recipes, for example for jams, because of its shelf life. As with all other foods, the following applies to products sweetened with xylitol and erythritol: "best before..." does not mean "inedible after..."! Ketchup, fruit spread, chocolate... our products in the sale are constantly updated. Therefore, it is worthwhile to visit us again and again! By the way, we also advise bargain hunters to order less frequently and in larger quantities rather than often and in small quantities - this not only protects the environment, as more complex logistics are required for frequent individual deliveries, but also saves on shipping costs! We charge 2,90 Euro per order. The size of the order has no influence on the shipping costs.
Foodwaste – a problem on everyone's lips
Up to 18 million tons of food per year are thrown away in Germany! This is according to a 2018 study by the WWF. The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture informs that more than 60 percent of discarded food comes from private households. Fruits and vegetables make up the lion's share. But how can we curb food waste? In the meantime, numerous books and films deal with the topic of "Food Waste". A list of recommended films on the subject can be found, for example, on the www.foodrecoverynetwork.org website. There are many good cookery books on the market that are dedicated to using leftovers. Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver is also always spreading ideas on how to use food leftovers via the Internet and his books. He often freezes fruit, for seasoning he recommends frozen herbs with olive oil from the ice cube tray, from the peelings of carrots and potatoes he conjures up excellent soups and from stale bread he makes croutons for salads. Engaging in "zero waste cooking" is good for the environment - and your wallet!